Tuesday, July 31, 2012

New Office Update

Tiffany stopped by our new office this morning to see how it was coming along. To our excitement, we have walls!

Last week, the metal framework was set up and the look was coming together. This week, we have drywall! We're no drywall experts, but it looks like it is almost done. Check out the pictures Tiffany snapped this morning:

Some of the offices- with walls!

More offices, more walls!

The cubicle space is coming along!

As you can see, a lot of progress has been made on our new space. Next up: paint! 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

We're Moving!

The Central Pennsylvania Chapter is growing and as a result, we’ve outgrown our office space.

We’re not going far! In September we’ll be setting up shop just one mile away at 2405 Park Drive.

There’s a lot of packing, moving, construction and painting to be done before we can move in but we’re so excited and wanted to share some pictures taken today.

Our new home at 2405 Park Drive

A view from our future reception area

The conference room

They’re hard at work on our new suite!

They’re building offices!

More offices!

It doesn’t look like much right now but soon it will be the core of LLS activity in the central Pennsylvania area.

Keep checking back for more pictures and updates!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Wrapping Up the School & YouthSM (S&Y) Progams

School is finished for the year, summer is officially here and School & YouthSM (S&Y) results are in! S&Y is comprised of two programs to educate students about philanthropy and blood cancers: Pennies for Patients® and Olive Garden’s Pasta for Pennies. This school year, over 295 preschools, elementary, middle and high schools participated in these programs! Students collected spare change and learned about helping others along the way. This year, S&Y fundraised over $320,000. That is A LOT of spare change! Here are the top schools:
  1. William G. Rice Elementary School – $11,623.76

  2. Donald E. Schick Elementary School – $8,738.32

  3. Central Elementary School/Rommelt Middle School – $6,880.81

  4. Ore Valley Elementary School – $6,377.49

  5. Rolling Acres Elementary School – $5,328.11
Congratulations to the top five schools. LLS also has to send a special thank you to all 295 schools for participating this year because every penny counts!

Swatara Middle School raised $2,602.89 through Pasta for Pennies!
Another school that did a tremendous job collecting spare change was Riverview Elementary School raising $4,738.72! Laura Mosca, Riverview's Coordinator, said, "Pennies for Patients taught our students the most important lesson of all, giving selflessly. It also gave our students teh opportunity to raise money to help others rather than always looking to gain something as a reward for their efforts."

There are many ways to put a fun twist to the program—hat days, spirit days, penny wars, school dances, sports tournaments and much more! Students are able to engage in an exciting competition while learning about philanthropy and helping to cure blood cancer.

Students at Little Angels Preschool decorate their teacher's face during Pennies for Patients.
To find out more information about School & Youth Programs (or to sign up your school!) please visit www.schoolandyouth.org/cpa or contact Katie Gentile, Campaign Coordinator (Katie.Gentile@lls.org or 717.652.6520 ext. 1257).
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