Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I’m honored to kick-off our very first blog for the Central Pennsylvania Chapter of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. We are eager to keep you up-to-date on our progress in the fight against blood cancer. A blog will allow us to do this without delay, without content limitations, and at no expense to the chapter.

For those of you who were readers of our printed newsletter (NewsLine) this marks a big change. We have moved NewsLine to the Central PA Chapter archives, and we are embracing this new technology with an open mind. If, like me, you can still remember when everything was printed on paper this just might take some getting used to! I’m grateful for your patience and continued interest in our patients and passion for our mission to cure leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma.

A few of our brightest technology fans at the chapter (Grace Usdin, Amanda Holland, Laura MacNeill and Tiffany Walter) have been encouraging us (pleading really) to get with the times and get on with it already. I’m grateful for their persistence since truly, it would not have happened without them. Thank you Grace, Amanda, Laura and Tiffany for keeping our friends, patients, family members and supporters in mind.

Welcome to Mission in Motion!

Beth Mihmet
Executive Director

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